Piles of Suffering
When you look at suffering, there’s no end to it. But every bit you deal with is another step on the path. But when I look at my desk piled high with stuff that needs sorting through, I know that I can’t just do a bit at a time. I have to wait until I’m in the right frame of mind, with enough time, and then start to do it and keep on as far as I can. If I start to do one little bit, I can’t really do it that way. It would take too many times of 'one little bit' to get anywhere. And if I start at the wrong time then either I'll get confused or disheartened and not want to start again, or else I will have to stop when there are piles of half sorted things everywhere that I will lose track of, that will then all need tidying again, and that would waste time. I have to be efficient about it. What’s going to be the best in the long run? Whatever gets it done. I know it will get done. Or maybe it won’t. It certainly looks bad. But there is enough room for me to put a cup of cof...